Parent & Family

Your Homeless and Foster Youth Liaison:

Celeaste Benitez


phone: 310-214-3400

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act for Homeless Children and Youth entitles all homeless school-aged children to the same free and appropriate public education that is provided to non-homeless students. To that end, your school has adopted the following policy regarding the enrollment and education of homeless students.

A homeless student is defined as a person between the ages of two and eighteen who lacks a fixed, regular, and
adequate nighttime residence. It includes children and youths who:

  • Live in an emergency or transitional shelter; abandoned building, parked car, or other facility not designed as a
    regular sleeping accommodation for human beings
  • Live \”double-up\” with another family/are sharing the housing of other persons, due to loss of housing,
    economic hardship, or a similar reason;
  • Live in a hotel or motel due to lack of alternate adequate accommodations;
  • Live in a trailer park or campsite due to lack of alternate adequate accommodations;
  • Have been abandoned at a hospital;
  • Reside in a home for school-aged, unwed mothers or mothers-to-be if there are no other available living
  • Are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or
    similar settings; and
  • Are a migratory or abandoned, runaway, or throwaway youth that qualifies as homeless because he/she is
    living in circumstances described above.

Homeless status is determined in cooperation with the parent or guardian. In the case of unaccompanied youth,
status is determined by the School Liaison.

The School Liaison shall ensure that:

  • Homeless students are identified by school personnel and through coordination activities with other
    entities and agencies.
  • Homeless students enroll in, and have a full and equal opportunity to succeed at ECS.
  • Homeless students and families receive educational services for which they are eligible, including referrals to health care services, dental services, mental
    health services, and other appropriate services.
  • Parents/guardians are informed of the educational and related opportunities available to their
    children and are provided with meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their
  • Public notice of the educational rights of homeless children is disseminated at places where children
    receive services, such as schools, shelters, and soup kitchens.
  • Enrollment/admissions disputes are mediated in accordance with law, the ECS charter(s), and
    Board policy.
  • Parents/guardians and any unaccompanied youth are fully informed of all transportation services, as
  • The School Liaison collaborates with State coordinators and community and school personnel
    responsible for the provision of education and related services to homeless children and youths.


ECS shall immediately admit/enroll the student (subject to the school\’s capacity and pursuant to any
procedures stated in the charter), even if the student lacks records normally required for enrollment. Records
will immediately be requested from the previous school.

If the student needs to obtain immunizations or does not possess immunization or other medical records, the
Principal or designee shall refer the parent/guardian to the School Liaison. The School Liaison shall assist the
parent/guardian in obtaining the necessary immunizations or records for the student.

The ECS tech help team will hold Open Office Hours for parents and students to enter with any questions. The Open Office Hours will be the following:

Monday 2:00pm-4:00pm

Friday 10:00am-12:00pm

Tech Team mantendrán “horarios de oficina” para que los padres y estudiantes ingresen con preguntas.

El horario de oficina es el lunes de 2:00 p.m. a 4:00 p.m. y viernes 10:00 am-12:00pm

For any questions, or if you encounter any issues with a school-issued Chromebook or hotspot, please contact ECS HelpDesk at with “ECHS Support” in the subject line.

Todos los estudiantes y padres pueden enviar un correo electrónico a

ECS Tech help can also be reached by text or phone in which you can leave a voicemail at (424) 272-1050.

Puede enviar mensajes de texto o puede dejar un correo de voz al 424-272-1050

What issues can they help with:

Gmail notifications

Email filters/organization

Common wifi troubleshooting

Tipos de ayuda que los padres y los estudiantes pueden obtener: notificaciones de Gmail, filtros/organización de correo electrónico, solución de problemas wifi comunes, problemas con las computadoras, prácticamente cualquier cosa

Information for Prospective Students & Families

Applications are due by February 26, 2025
Lottery will be held on March 5, 2025.

If you have any questions, please email our Community Liaison, Jennyfer Galvez-Reyes at