We invite you to experience our living campuses and learn more about sustainability by taking a tour of our award-winning campuses.
ECHS – Lawndale
Upcoming Dates
Saturday Jan. 11th 10 – 11am
Tuesday Jan. 14th 2:15 – 3:10pm
Saturday Jan. 25th 10 – 11am
Tuesday Jan. 28th 2:15 – 3:10pm
Saturday Feb. 8th 10 – 11am
Tuesday Feb. 11th 2:15 – 3:10pm
Saturday Feb. 22nd 10 – 11am
Tuesday Feb. 25th 2:15 – 3:10pm
Please click the link below to RSVP for any of the following dates.
Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para confirmar su asistencia a cualquiera de las siguientes fechas.
ECHSL Campus Tour Signup Form / Formulario de inscripción al recorrido por el campus de ECHSL
Environmental Charter High School – Lawndale (ECHS-L) 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260
Driving directions:
ECMS – Inglewood
Upcoming Dates
Saturday Jan. 11th 10 – 11am
Thursday Jan. 23rd 8:15 – 9am
Saturday Feb. 1st 10 – 11am
Thursday Feb. 13th 8:15 – 9am
Saturday Mar. 1st 10 – 11am
Environmental Charter Middle School Inglewood 3600 W. Imperial Hwy Inglewood, CA 90303
Driving directions:
ECMS – Gardena
Upcoming Dates
Coming soon.
Environmental Charter Middle School Gardena 812 West 165th Place Gardena, CA, 90247
Driving directions:
ECHS – Gardena
Upcoming Dates
Saturday, Jan. 25th 9 am – 10 am Tuesday, Jan. 28th 9:15 am to 9:45 am
Friday Jan. 31st 12:45pm to 1:15pm Saturday, Feb. 8th 9 am – 10 am Saturday, March 1st 9 am – 10 am
Environmental Charter High School – Gardena (ECHS-G)
2818 Manhattan Beach Blvd., Gardena, CA, 90249
Driving directions:

Our campuses are alive, with more than 100 varieties of fruits and vegetables, a living stream, school-wide composting and solar-powered greenhouses. Our ECHS tours are led by our students themselves. Come join us and learn more about our schools!

“I’ve encouraged dozens of school and corporate leaders to visit an ECS campus to experience the replicable model they’ve developed for whole-spectrum sustainability. If you visit—and I hope you will—be warned: you will never want to leave!”
–Rachel Gutter, Director, Center for Green Schools at USGBC
“Cannot tell you how much we enjoyed seeing the campus and meeting the students. I must say, those are some of the happiest, most engaging kids I’ve seen anywhere! What an incredible job you are doing, preparing those lovely kids to be great citizens and leaders of the world. I’m encouraged for the future of the planet!”
-Betsy Hunter, Partnership Development, Pando Populus

“I am in love with the campus! I learned so much at ECHS today, and I left feeling awed and inspired.”
-Kim Merritt, Post Grade 12 Leader, Da Vinci Schools
“I was blown away by the students and especially their enthusiasm. I walked away with tears in my eyes. The teachers and kids are so engaged and excited. It was lovely to see the unity at your school.”
-Nina Patel, Friendship Foundation