As part of one of many 21st century learning experiences and college readiness programs at ECHS, each senior is required to present a unique thesis on an environmental issue or social justice matter that interests them. Topics this year range from education inequality and animals rights to the gentrification of college athletes to cybercrime.
The Senior presentations are the culmination of a year and a half of research, writing, civic action and practice and are a necessary part of graduation. Students select a unique topic at the end of their junior year at ECHS and spend that summer and their entire senior year developing and researching their ideas. They take their research a step further by taking a civic action – students canvassed parks and college campuses with fliers and surveys, and corresponded passionately with local and federal politicians.
In addition to the ingenuity and critical thinking that these students put into their theses, they work on “soft skills” such as communicating with interested parties and community leaders and collaborating with each other to plan and execute their civic actions.
Students present both their paper and civic action to teachers and community members at the annual Senior Presentations.
Education, Media & Pop Culture, and Environmental Justice are just some of the few topics our Seniors have researched throughout the year. Join us for Senior Thesis Presentations to learn more about the social injustices in our community and what you can do to impact change.
Monday, May 21, 2018
9:00AM to 3:00PM @ ECHS
16315 Grevillea Avenue
Lawndale, CA 90260