Photo: Alison Suffet Diaz, ECS Founder, with ECS Staff
In addition to being a school, ECS is also a leader and source of expert knowledge on Environmental Education and Education Reform advocacy.
Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson has appointed ECS Founder and Executive Director Alison Suffet Diaz to serve on his Environmental Literacy Task Force. This task force is comprised of individuals representing both formal and non-formal Environmental Education, and also includes a diverse range of stakeholders from across the state.
We commend Superintendent Torlakson for his leadership and vision in creating this task force, and paving the way for Environmental Literacy. Diaz, a trailblazer in Environmental Education, is an ideal choice and her appointment reflects a serious commitment to this important issue. Diaz is well suited to share her experience and expertise with the Task Force on topics such as learning environments and expanding reach, sustainable funding for Environmental Literacy, and learning outcomes of Environmental Literacy.
In her appointment, Diaz will work on a committee to explore the current status of Environmental Literacy education in California and develop recommendations on how to better serve students. These recommendations will be included in a blueprint for Environmental Literacy that will provide guidance for increasing Environmental Education in schools across California.
Stay tuned to hear more about the progress and outcomes of the Task Force.