ECMS-G Healthy Youth Lessons & Materials
Click here to see the ECMS-G Healthy Youth Lesson Overview and Session descriptions
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Click here to see the ECMS-G Healthy Youth Lesson Overview and Session descriptions English Spanish
DetailsDue to the COVID-19 crisis, we know that many children have lost the security of the healthy meals provided at school each day. On April 24th, the USDA approved the P-EBT card for all families that qualify for free or reduced meals at school. Families already approved for the NSLP are eligible for up to $365 per…
DetailsAt ECMS-Inglewood, our living campus is filled with beautiful organic fruits, herbs, flowers, and vegetables! We are excited to share this special harvest with our families and members of our community every other Monday, between 9:00am and 11:00am. Our next “Farmer’s Market” will take place on June 8th. Please check our upcoming events for future…