BBC Reel: The heat gap dividing a major US city [featuring ECMS-I Green Ambassadors Teacher, Ms. Tashanda Giles-Jones]

As in many US towns, historic disinvestment in certain areas of Los Angeles have created a ‘heat gap’ within the city. Poorer neighbourhoods experience higher temperatures due to a lack of tree cover, vegetation and shade. The city and several nonprofits are now trying to close the gap through a variety of urban programmes. Video…


LADWP CARES Utility Grant Assistance Program

LADWP and the City of Los Angeles are here to help LA City residents who may be experiencing income loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Low-income residents may be eligible to receive a one-time $500 check in the mail to help pay bills such as gas, cellular phone, wi-fi, internet and cable television services. Please click here…


LA County DPH – Reopening Protocols for Schools

Read the guidelines and requirements for the reopening protocols for schools by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health: ECMSG – Reopening Protocols for K-12 Schools – Public Posting ECMSI – Reopening Protocols for K-12 Schools – Public Posting ECHS – Reopening Protocols for K-12 Schools – Public Posting Appendix A – Reopening Protocols…
