Welcome to ECMS-Inglewood’s Annual Science Fair! Our students have been working hard on their projects this quarter and creatively presented their findings to the school community. Students worked in groups to create solutions and design experiments answering engineering and scientific questions.
Students both taught and learned from each other by presenting their projects to other grade-levels. 6th grade students explored heat and other energy transfer. Acting as engineers, they designed a thermos that could maintain the temperature of hot or cold water using everyday materials. Others put on their scientist caps to find answers through experiment design about energy transfer. 7th graders used their understanding of the unique adaptations of organisms as a result of natural selection to design solutions using biomimicry to solve problems we encounter in everyday life. Finally, 8th grade students applied the great curiosity developed during their 3 years at ECMS-I to come up with their own scientific questions and designed experiments to answer the questions. Alas, many experiments resulted in even more questions for future exploration! The projects were creative and thoughtful, and the students showed great enthusiasm to share what they had discovered.
Meanwhile, families also explored the garden, made delicious salsa with Feel Good Salsa, created seed packets, built their own compost bins, and planted a salsa garden in a compostable flower pot. MESA (Math, Engineering, Science Achievement) hosted a demonstration of edible water bubbles and the art room displayed student art work. The event was topped off by special dance and ukalele performances by the after-school IZONE program.